About Me

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Rodeo is where my life started, I grew up riding and breathing horses. Everything I do is about riding, I have several horses that I compete with. These horses mean the world to be and I don't know what i'd do without them. No matter what, I know they will be there for me, through thick and thin. Through good and bad rodeo days. Through the struggles and great times.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Rodeo here we go!

Rodeo season has begun! The thrill of that last turn on a barrel, that flick to your slack, or that sliding stop to tie that goat. These are all things I LOVE doing! Rodeo has been a huge part in my life, ever since i stepped into that stirrup and sat into that worn out saddle, I knew rodeo is where i could turn to. Jump back to 2000, my first rodeo, I was just a youngster of five years old. Sitting high up in that saddle, on that ole grey horse, feeling that wind beneath my hat and the butterflies in my stomach. The gates flew open, and I looked deep into the arena, my heart started to race, and grey new exactly what we were here to do. I kicked my little feet, and off we went, headed straight for first barrel! Seconds later, we were spinning around second and headed for the final barrel. I could hear my parents in the background, screaming and cheering for their little girl! I turned around that third barrel and found myself kicking as hard as I could, I crossed that eye and on the loudspeaker here was a time.. of 26.3! WHOO! I can remember that day just like it was yesterday. Everytime I look out into our field I see that good ole GreyGo who did me proud. I ended up winning the peewee division, but I didn't stop there.. Now I am 16 years old and rodeo is an even bigger part of my life now. Starting in May every year my weekends become filled with the great thrill of rodeo, friends, and having a time of my life to remeber forever!

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